PMS: How to get rid of it

4 out of 5 women suffer from PMS, with anxiety, irritability, sadness and water retention. What can be done? Usually you think some chocolate may help.. WRONG! To get rid of PMS you should reduce metilxantine, which are contained into coffee, tea, chocolate and coke. Also alcohol and sugar should be abolished because they reduce…

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Laughter as medicine

Dosage: an administration of 15 minutes per day Indications: recommended to everybody, men and women, grown and children, particularly to “stressed out” and to chronically ill people Contraindications: none Laughter is good for everyone, with no side effects and need no special recipes, just a good company or even a funny comedy to feel better…

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Cheers to Fiber! Reasons to eat it

We all know that fiber is an important element in terms of health and form, nutritious and delicious. But what does it definitely do? First of all, fiber helps balancing the intestinal flora, modulating the activation of the immune system against allergies and inflammation. Fiber also stimulates satiety and maintains it longtime, helping to give…

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Benefits of sleeping

Summer has come and there’s no more time for sleeping, a bit because of the heat, or because the days are longer and you can stay outside till late, you go more at the club and at parties. Everything sounds greats, but we forget that sleeping is essential for our health and our shape. Yes,…

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Summer breakfast

The heat of those days is challenging our best adaptation capacities, both under the physical and mental points of view. There are no excuses, the breakfast has always to be taken because too many hours from dinner have passed and our organism needs energy. Bananas and apricots, like all the others season fruits, are full…

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Losing weight: exercise

The key for a proper and long-lasting weight loss is the increase of physical activity and the minimization of sedentary lifestyle, since the movement involves the loss of adipose tissue and increases the metabolism’s activity. Regular exercise consumes fat reserves for energy purposes and produces new lean mass. What is more, physical activity improves and…

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